Our Product Lineup.



S-RATE for Managers



Don’t wait until the end of your customer’s stay to know about their service experience.

  • Improve Efficiency

    Improve operational efficiency , get alerts on negative feedback and turn around pain points in real time.

  • Measure Performance

    Measure your front line employees’ performance with feedback right from the field.

  • Identify & Attract Talent

    Use the S-Rate score as part of the assessment process of your employees. Identify hidden talent & place them in the right position. Attract new talent by standing out from your competition.

  • Reward Employees

    Reward employees for their commitment and exceptional services.

  • Improve Efficiency

    Improve operational efficiency , get alerts on negative feedback and turn around pain points in real time.

  • Measure Performance

    Measure your front line employees’ performance with feedback right from the field.

  • Identify & Attract Talent

    Use the S-Rate score as part of the assessment process of your employees. Identify hidden talent & place them in the right position. Attract new talent by standing out from your competition.

  • Reward Employees

    Reward employees for their commitment and exceptional services.



S-RATE for Employees



Grow professionally by differentiating yourself from the quality of the service that you offer. Your individual S-Rate score is a great motive to start building your future professional reputation.

  • Live Feedback

    Customers' feedback can help you improve your performance and skills.

  • Build your Professional Reputation

    Customer reviews rating will become part of your social resume. S-Rate Reputation Score is visible to top managers.

  • Achieve Targets

    Get rewarded by achieving targets assigned to you by managers.

  • Exclusive Rewards

    Redeem your Credits to exclusive rewards.

  • Live Feedback

    Customers' feedback can help you improve your performance and skills.

  • Build your Professional Reputation

    Customer reviews rating will become part of your social resume. S-Rate Reputation Score is visible to top managers.

  • Achieve Targets

    Get rewarded by achieving targets assigned to you by managers.

  • Exclusive Rewards

    Redeem your Credits to exclusive rewards.



S-RATE for Customers



Recognize the good work of the professional who served you. This direct feedback acknowledges their effort, may help them improve or you can simply give thanks or a tip.

  • Personnel Evaluation

    Share your feedback to show your appreciation for the service you received.

  • Amazing Benefits

    Earn app virtual credits for your feedback and win amazing benefits.

  • Redeem Credits

    Redeem your credits to exclusive rewards and raffle tickets for draws with sponsored gifts.

  • Tip Employees

    Tip your favourite employees. Level up to receive extra services and special gifts.

  • Personnel Evaluation

    Share your feedback to show your appreciation for the service you received.

  • Amazing Benefits

    Earn app virtual credits for your feedback and win amazing benefits.

  • Redeem Credits

    Redeem your credits to exclusive rewards and raffle tickets for draws with sponsored gifts.

  • Tip Employees

    Tip your favourite employees. Level up to receive extra services and special gifts.


Web portal to find and connect with unemployed members based on their reputation score.

S-Rate Club

Web portal to find and connect with unemployed members based on their reputation score.


Interactive mentoring content for employees’ training & skills evolution.

S-Rate Academy

Interactive mentoring content for employees’ training & skills evolution.

All products include 24X7 customer support by:

Helpdesk ticketing system



Direct phone line

See S-Rate in action

We look forward to showing you how our platform’s powerful data, flexible tools and intuitive user experience.

Company Information

See S-Rate in action

We look forward to showing you how our platform’s powerful data, flexible tools and intuitive user experience.

Company Information

See S-Rate in action

We look forward to showing you how our platform’s powerful data, flexible tools and intuitive user experience.